The Workshop on Eosinophils in Allergy and Related Diseases


演題募集要項 / Call for Abstracts

新規登録・確認・修正締切日 / Submission Dates and Deadline
演題募集を締切りました。 多数の応募いただきありがとうございました。
Abstract Submission is closed.


The system will automatically close at the deadline above. Any modification of the abstracts will not be allowed after the deadline.

Please submit your abstract well in advance. Heavy web access is expected just before the deadline.

利益相反 / COI

演題募集 / Abstract Submission
募集テーマ / Application Theme

アレルギー・好酸球に関する自由演題 / Free Subject regarding Eosinophils in Allergy

When applying, please enter the applicable numbers as below.

1. 産生・分化
Cell Production / Differentiation
2. 遊走・浸潤
Migration / Infiltration
3. 構造・表面受容体
Structure / Surface Receptor
4. 活性化
5. 細胞内シグナル伝達
Intracellular Signal Transduction
6. メディエーター、サイトカイン産生
Mediator, Cytokine Production
7. 疾患における役割
Role in disease pathogenesis
8. 症例報告
Case Report
9. その他


* There is no limit in the number of presentations per facility. It is required that the lead speaker should become a member.

発表予定時間 / Scheduled Presentation Time

未定 / T.B.A.

申込み先 / Where to apply

Please refer to precautions, and apply from the button at the bottom of this page.


For those registering an abstract and still not a member, please enroll as a member from the “Member Registration” page.

演題登録番号およびパスワード / Submission Number and Password


Upon your abstract submission, you will automatically be assigned a submission number. With this number and your password, you will be able to access your "My page" and revise your registered abstracts any time before the deadline of abstract submission.
You will be responsible for the safekeeping of your password and other confidential information. We strongly urge you to keep a note of your submission number and password. The information is required for confirming your submitted abstract and revising it.

注意事項 / Precautions

It can take time for the registration in case of access concentration to the website.

Abstract title: 200 characters including spaces.

Abstract body: 800 characters (approx. 150 words) including spaces.
If the character limit is exceeded, submission will not be completed.



半角カタカナは使用できません。カタカナは全角で、英字および数字は半角で記入してください。 タイトルおよび抄録本文で上付き文字、下付き文字、斜め(イタリック)文字、太文字、改行、アンダーラインを使うときに用いる<sup></sup>、<sub></sub>、<i></i>、<b></b>、<u></u>、<br>の記号はすべて半角文字(1バイト文字)を使用してください。本文中に単独で < または > を利用するときは、全角文字(2バイト文字)を使用してください。

If you want to include symbols or Greek Letters, type the respective code indicated in the tables at the position where you want to place it, or copy the code and paste it in the position.

You Type &alpha; &beta; &gamma; &delta; &epsilon; &zeta; &eta; &theta; &iota; &kappa; &ccedil;
Display α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ ç
You Type &lambda; &mu; &nu; &xi; &omicron; &pi; &rho; &sigma; &tau; &upsilon; &Ccedil;
Display λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ τ υ Ç
You Type &phi; &chi; &psi; &omega; &copy; &reg; &trade; &plusmn; &lt; &gt; &ne;
Display φ χ ψ ω © ® ± < >

上付き文字が必要なときは、文字の前後を<sup>と</sup>で囲ってください。 例: Na<sup>+</sup> は Na+ となります。
下付き文字が必要なときは、文字の前後を<sub>と</sub>で囲ってください。 例: H<sub>2</sub>O は H2O となります。
イタリック文字が必要なときは、文字の前後を<i>と</i>で囲ってください。 例: <i>c-fos</i> は c-fos となります。
太文字が必要なときは、文字の前後を<b>と</b>で囲ってください。 例: <b>太文字</b> は 太文字 となります。
アンダーラインが必要なときは、文字の前後を<u>と</u>で囲ってください。 例: <u>アンダーライン</u> は アンダーライン となります。

Superscripts: Enclose the text between <sup> and </sup>. For example, Na<sup>+</sup> → Na+.
Subscripts: Enclose the text between <sub> and </sub>. For example, H<sub>2</sub>O → H2O.
Italics: Enclose the text between <i> and </i>. For example, <i>c-fos</i> → c-fos.
Bold: Enclose the text between <b> and </b>. For example, <b>accent</b> → accent.
Underlines: Enclose the text between <u> and </u>. For example, <u>directly</u> → directly.
If you want to start a new line, put <br> in the front of the sentence.

When entering alphabetic letters and numerals, make sure to distinguish between O (alphabet) and 0 (numeral), i (lower-case alphabet) and 1 (numeral), or X (alphabet) and x (times).

Distinguish between prolonged sound “―” and dash “―”, minus “-” and hyphen “­”.

When entering alphabetic letters, do not divide a single word with hyphen (­).
Charts cannot be registered.

When using online registration, do not use the Back button on the browser.

Please refer to the FAQ pages before submitting an inquiry.

For any further inquiries, please contact the secretariat as below.

〒350-0495 埼玉県入間郡毛呂山町毛呂本郷38
TEL:049-276-1319 FAX:049-276-1319
Contact / Secretariat
Secretariat of “The Workshop on Eosinophils in Allergy and Related Diseases”
Respiratory Medicine Office, Saitama Medical University
38 Morohongo Moroyama-machi, Iruma-gun, Saitama 350-0495, Japan
TEL : 049-276-1319 FAX : 049-276-1319
演題登録 / Abstract Submission